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The Massage Institute 4

First times



Today is Charlotte the new interns first day and Patrick will teach her the job! But it’s not the only first event happening… Ivan has an appointment with a new customer and beforehand has a webcam date with Sophie, whom he met the day before...

This is the fourth episode of our series of sexy massage games... In this porn game, you will interact and play with very hot girls!

Comments (33)



12/29/2020 4 years ago

(Click on the green button to take the phone call)
Yes, I want to be there in case a customer is spontaneously showing up.
Easy, we will just have to welcome the intern.
I would be glad to! What shall I teach her?
Why? Can't she use a computer?
Ok, ciao!
Hello! I'm Patrick!
I am the glad one! I find you very attractive.
Well guessed! It was a trick-question...
Do you know how to prepare a massage table?
Well, OK, you are experienced and that's good, but don't stress out! Take your time!
Very well! Now, I will show you how to welcome a customer!
Definitely! Just relax and lay down.
We give our premium massage in the pure Thai tradition. Let's start with 45 minutes!
This is what my customers ask me for most often!
I have an idea for something that may relax you the most...
OK, Let me try something softer.
Of course!
I have what you want, you naughty girl!
You are the best!
No problem!
I won't tell him a thing.
- Call Sophie with the webcam -
- It is ringing... wait for her to answer -
Hey, am I disturbing you?
I am at work... I thought to call you just to say hello.
And you, what were you doing?
You should come over to the massage institute! we also have moisturizing care...
Definitely! but in order to do it properly I would need some information about your skin.
Well, can you show me please?
I see... and what else?
We should manage!
- Get in full screen mode -
Yes. So tell me what I can do for you now...
OK! But for this, you should take off your top.
That's good... Touch yourself...
Take the cream.
Put some on your breasts...
Turn over...
That's it... Show me your ass...
That's it, touch yourself...
Go on, finger yourself...
Turn over, now...
Touch your pussy...
Now, take off your G-string.
Yes, get off!
That's good, go on...
Show me your ass, now...
Yes! I have to leave you now, bye bye!
(Click on the green button to take the phone call)
I was taking an appointment per webcam...
Oops! I didn't see her coming. I'm on my way.
But you did not show up at the desk, did you?
Sorry, I was chatting with a friend...
Not at all.
I will leave you alone for a minute so that you get ready, OK?
- You take some massage oil -
Start by getting relaxed. I feel that you are stressed out.
Are your problems professional or personal?
With the personal ones.
How many flatmates do you have?
Indeed, it must be a full time activity, to handle them all...
If you turn over, I won't make a move on you, I will just fuck you!
So, will you turn over?



08/01/2019 5 years ago

La procédure pour avoir 100%
Suivant (fois 5)

Appel de Christine :
Click sur la bonne zone pour jouer
Sur le bouton vert
Oui, je veux être là si une cliente vient spontanément.
C’est tranquille, mais on va devoir recevoir la stagiaire.
Avec plaisir ! Que veux-tu que je lui montre ?
Pourquoi, elle ne sait pas se servir d’un ordi ?
Ok, ciao !

Avec Charlotte :
Bonjour ! Je suis Patrick !
Tout le plaisir est pour moi ! Je te trouve très attirante.
Bien vu ! C'était une question-piège.
Est-ce que tu sais préparer une table de massage ?
Bon, ok, tu as de l’expérience, c'est bien, mais pas de stress, prends ton temps !
Parfait ! Maintenant, je vais te montrer comment on reçoit une cliente !
Tout à fait ! Mets-toi à l’aise, prends place.
Notre massage Premium se fait dans la pure tradition thaïe. C’est partie pour 45 minutes !
C’est ce que les clientes demandent le plus !
Suivant (fois 3)
J’ai une idée, pour bien te relaxer…
OK. Je tente un truc plus doux.
Bien sûr !
J'ai compris ce que tu me demandes, coquine !
Tu es la meilleure !
Pas de problème !
Je ne lui dirai rien.

- Appelle Sophie avec la webcam -
- Ça sonne… attendre qu'elle décroche -
Salut ! je te dérange ?
Je suis au boulot… J’ai pensé te faire un petit coucou
Et toi, tu fais-quoi ?
Tu devrais passer au salon ! On fait aussi des soins hydratants…
Bien sûr ! Mais pour ça j’aurais besoin de quelques informations sur ta peau.
Okay, tu peux me montrer s'il te plaît ?
Je vois… et sinon ?
On devrait pouvoir s’arranger !
- Passer en mode « Plein écran » -
Oui, alors dis-moi ce que je peux faire pour toi…
OK ! Mais pour ça, il faudrait que tu retires ton top.
C'est ça… Caresse-toi…
Prends la crème.
Passe-en douceur sur tes seins…
C'est ça… Montre-moi ton cul…
C'est ça, touche-toi…
Vas-y branle-toi…
Retourne-toi, maintenant…
Touche-moi ta chatte…
Maintenant, retire ton string.
Oui, branle-toi
C'est ça, continue…
Montre-moi ton cul maintenant…
Oui ! Je dois te laisser, bye !

Appel de Christine :
Click sur la bonne zone pour jouer
Sur le bouton vert
J’étais en train de prendre un rendez-vous par webcam…
Oups ! Je ne l'ai pas vue entrer. J’y vais fissa.
Ciao !

Avec la cliente :
Mais tu ne t’es pas présentée à l’accueil !
Désolé, je chattais avec une copine…
Pas du tout.
Je te laisse te préparer pendant un instant, OK ?
- Vous prenez de l'huile de massage -
Commence par te relaxer. J’ai l’impression que tu es stressée.
Problèmes pro ou perso ?
Les problèmes personnels.
Tu as combien de colocataires ?
Effectivement, ça doit être compliqué à tout gérer !
Si tu te retournes, je ne vais pas te draguer, je vais te sauter directe.
Alors, tu te retournes ?



02/01/2018 7 years ago

whats thé name fu



12/10/2017 7 years ago

what's the real name of the last girl ?



11/03/2017 7 years ago

When will the massage institute 5 be free?
Its already past 3 days right



11/03/2017 7 years ago

When is the new game ?



10/31/2017 7 years ago




10/06/2017 7 years ago

Can someone please Tell me the real name of Sophie and Christina ?



11/07/2016 8 years ago

(Click on the green button to take the phone call)
Yes, I want to be there in case a customer is spontaneously showing up.
Easy, we will just have to welcome the intern.
I would be glad to! What shall I teach her?
Why? Can't she use a computer?
Ok, ciao!
Hello! I'm Patrick!
I am the glad one! I find you very attractive.
Well guessed! It was a trick-question...
Do you know how to prepare a massage table?
Well, OK, you are experienced and that's good, but don't stress out! Take your time!
Very well! Now, I will show you how to welcome a customer!
Definitely! Just relax and lay down.
We give our premium massage in the pure Thai tradition. Let's start with 45 minutes!
This is what my customers ask me for most often!
I have an idea for something that may relax you the most...
OK, Let me try something softer.
Of course!
I have what you want, you naughty girl!
You are the best!
No problem!
I won't tell him a thing.
- Call Sophie with the webcam -
- It is ringing... wait for her to answer -
Hey, am I disturbing you?
I am at work... I thought to call you just to say hello.
And you, what were you doing?
You should come over to the massage institute! we also have moisturizing care...
Definitely! but in order to do it properly I would need some information about your skin.
Well, can you show me please?
I see... and what else?
We should manage!
- Get in full screen mode -
Yes. So tell me what I can do for you now...
OK! But for this, you should take off your top.
That's good... Touch yourself...
Take the cream.
Put some on your breasts...
Turn over...
That's it... Show me your ass...
That's it, touch yourself...
Go on, finger yourself...
Turn over, now...
Touch your pussy...
Now, take off your G-string.
Yes, get off!
That's good, go on...
Show me your ass, now...
Yes! I have to leave you now, bye bye!
(Click on the green button to take the phone call)
I was taking an appointment per webcam...
Oops! I didn't see her coming. I'm on my way.
But you did not show up at the desk, did you?
Sorry, I was chatting with a friend...
Not at all.
I will leave you alone for a minute so that you get ready, OK?
- You take some massage oil -
Start by getting relaxed. I feel that you are stressed out.
Are your problems professional or personal?
With the personal ones.
How many flatmates do you have?
Indeed, it must be a full time activity, to handle them all...
If you turn over, I won't make a move on you, I will just fuck you!
So, will you turn over?



01/14/2016 9 years ago

Does anyone know who Christina is?



01/11/2016 9 years ago

well, maybe today?



01/09/2016 9 years ago

where is the new game?



01/08/2016 9 years ago




01/07/2016 9 years ago

I guess it was or so.



01/02/2016 9 years ago

Can't wait for a new series as i'm not enjoying the storyline in the Massage Institution. Would love a dream job season 3 with more actual sex scenes! Keep it up.



12/27/2015 9 years ago

Fun game. I rated it 5 of 5. I like the focus on male female sex in this series as opposed to all the others that the girl just teases, (every time a girl in one of these games pulls a dildo out of thin air, (be it her purse, under a couch cushion or whatever) I start to laugh). Can I ask when the next installment will be out?


Marlene admin @adragon707

12/28/2015 9 years ago

Thank you :)
Next game is coming in 10 days or so but I can't tell you the exact day though: Massage Institute 5. Hope you'll enjoy it!


whitestang1 @Marlene

01/12/2016 9 years ago

Any idea yet of when we will see a new game?


hitman23 @Marlene

01/06/2016 9 years ago




11/29/2015 9 years ago

Thought this game felt a bit rushed to be honest. The sex scenes were really basic. There was the missing checkpoint so if you miss Patrick's scene you can't go back and instead have to reload them game. I'm a massive fan of your games but I thought in comparison to what you've been turning out recently in the sex therapist series, this game was very average.


adragon707 @jaldred3

12/27/2015 9 years ago

I am not admin but that would be Charlottes's Briefing checkpoint. Hope that helps.


Marlene admin @adragon707

12/28/2015 9 years ago




11/26/2015 9 years ago

nice game, from which series will the next be? will it be available this Friday?


Marlene admin @feel164strip

12/05/2015 9 years ago

Thanks :) as answered on your other comment, the next game is The Sex Therapist, coming this week!


feel164strip @Marlene

12/06/2015 9 years ago

will this be on Friday or earlier?


Marlene admin @feel164strip

12/08/2015 9 years ago

Should be Friday!


feel164strip @Marlene

12/11/2015 9 years ago

when will it be available?



11/24/2015 9 years ago

Good game, i reckon easier then I expected but good



11/21/2015 9 years ago

100 %


- Yes...cutomer
- Easy
- I would be glad...
- OK, so...
- Bye


- Hey, please call me patrick
- But let me tell you....
- It is the same...
- Very Well
- Definitely
- We give our premium..
- This is what...
- I have an idea...
- OK let me try...
- Of Course
- I Have what you want...
- You are the best..
- No problem
- I wont tell ....

Ivan :

- Call Sophie
- It is ringing...
- ...Am i disturbing ....
- I m at work...
- And You ...
- You should come over ..
- Definitely..
- Well can you ..
- I see.....
- We should manage..
- (Get in full screen mode)
- Yes, so tell me...
- OK but....
- That s good...
- Take the cream ..
- Put on your breasts
- Turn Over
- That s it, show...
- That s it, touch...
- Go on
- Turn over ...
- Touch...
- Now take off..
- Yes get off..
- That s good...
- Show me...
- Yes I have t o leave...


- I was taking...
- Ooops...
- Ciao
- But you did not...
- Sorry...chatting
- Not at all
- I will leave you alone...
- (you take massage oil)
- Start by getting...
- Are your...
- Personal ones
- How many...
- Indeed...
- If you turn over..
- So, will you...



Marlene admin

11/21/2015 9 years ago

In this episode, you play different characters... Sorry if it is a bit confusing :)
We still hope you will enjoy the game ;)



11/21/2015 9 years ago

yes there is a bug I think you get a checkpoint when intern briefing begins

phone call boss/Patrick

- Yes, I want to be
- Easy, We Will
- I would be Glad to!
- Why? Can't



11/21/2015 9 years ago

stuck at 39%? is there an error, it just hops from patrick to ivans desk?


Marlene admin @feel164strip

12/05/2015 9 years ago

No, it is normal...


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